About the Seminar

Department of Mechanical Engineering, R.V.R&J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur, Andhra prasesh, is organizing a National Seminar on "Advances in Biomaterials for Medical Applications (ABMA-2014)".

Biomedical Engineering is a highly interdisciplinary and upcoming field of technology. Being an integrating medium for two dynamic professions, Medicine and Engineering, this discipline has the broad objective of assisting in the struggle against illness and disease by providing tools and techniques for research, diagnosis and treatment.The awareness in using biomaterials instead of traditional materials is growing, and as a result, an increased number of advancements in biomaterials are being made to meet the current and future needs in biology and medicine.

Orthopaedic biomaterials are enormously successful in restoring mobility and quality of life to millions of individuals each year. These products are generally used for either fracture ?xation or joint replacement. Using nanotechnology, the total joint replacement surgeries are succcessful by improving the wear performance of the biomaterials. A new class of engineering and medical fluid called nano fluid is used for cancer treatment. Biosensors are implanted in the body which can control the blood pressure. Bio materials are also successfully implemented in Dental implants,cardiovascular surgeries and surgical instruments. So, the program is intended as a step forward in giving the future directions of using different materials and their developments with technical fundamentals and analysis.